Monday, March 16, 2020

Free Essays on Dates Are Awkward

Most dates are awkward at best, so try to imagine a date ten times more uncomfortable than those. If you can’t I suggest trying a blind date! They all come in different shapes, sizes, and circumstances, none of which are predictable. Blind dates can be either a night mare or a daydream depending on how you go about them and how you get them. The oldest and most revered â€Å"blind date† is an arranged marriage. As modern as romance is today, it is hard to fathom someone giving their parents the decision of whom they will spend their life and mate with. Silly you may say, but arranged marriages are still held to this day and statistically last longer than marriages made by free will. Some even marry sight unseen. Can you imagine spending a life with someone you have never laid eyes upon? I won’t give my father a chance to set up a meeting much less a life partner! The â€Å"set up† is a little more western than an arranged marriage. Friends team with other friends or partners in an attempt to conjure up a more perfect union between people they know. For some reason or the other, I usually fall for the â€Å"favor†that ends up in an uncomfortable double date. I have , at times, questioned my friends’ opinions of me due to the wide array of men they have set me up with. These types of blind dates are typically accompanied by the matchmakers. Every move or sound made is then studied by your friends to ensure that this brainchild will blossom into a fabulous relationship, upon which they will receive high praises for their insight. I personally advise anyone accepting one of these dates to remain neutral in the event of a disagreement between any party members. Your opinion may lead to the disastrous break up of a friendship, relationship, or even both. Newspapers have carried classified ads for as long as I can remember. In my experience, â€Å"blind† isn’t even the word for this type of blind date. In this f... Free Essays on Dates Are Awkward Free Essays on Dates Are Awkward Most dates are awkward at best, so try to imagine a date ten times more uncomfortable than those. If you can’t I suggest trying a blind date! They all come in different shapes, sizes, and circumstances, none of which are predictable. Blind dates can be either a night mare or a daydream depending on how you go about them and how you get them. The oldest and most revered â€Å"blind date† is an arranged marriage. As modern as romance is today, it is hard to fathom someone giving their parents the decision of whom they will spend their life and mate with. Silly you may say, but arranged marriages are still held to this day and statistically last longer than marriages made by free will. Some even marry sight unseen. Can you imagine spending a life with someone you have never laid eyes upon? I won’t give my father a chance to set up a meeting much less a life partner! The â€Å"set up† is a little more western than an arranged marriage. Friends team with other friends or partners in an attempt to conjure up a more perfect union between people they know. For some reason or the other, I usually fall for the â€Å"favor†that ends up in an uncomfortable double date. I have , at times, questioned my friends’ opinions of me due to the wide array of men they have set me up with. These types of blind dates are typically accompanied by the matchmakers. Every move or sound made is then studied by your friends to ensure that this brainchild will blossom into a fabulous relationship, upon which they will receive high praises for their insight. I personally advise anyone accepting one of these dates to remain neutral in the event of a disagreement between any party members. Your opinion may lead to the disastrous break up of a friendship, relationship, or even both. Newspapers have carried classified ads for as long as I can remember. In my experience, â€Å"blind† isn’t even the word for this type of blind date. In this f...

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