Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Cell phones and Relationships - 1319 Words

â€Å"Can you remember the last time you were in a public space in America and didn’t notice that half the people around you were bent over a digital screen, thumbing a connection to somewhere else?† (Fredrickson, 2013, pg. 1). In a world today where sending a text message containing the message â€Å"I luv you,† is equally powerful to that statement said in person to your significant other. Today’s generation is surrounded by the constant need to have technology and mainly cell phones at your fingertips. Gone are the days when people would talk to one another whilst standing in line, now it is all about having and using your cell phone to pass the time. All of this takes bondage on having an interpersonal relationship with each other and conversing†¦show more content†¦Here is a major concern with why people do not have conversations with other, they are already preoccupied with the device in their palm. That same study reports that 73% of phone users get panicked when not knowing the location of their phone, 14% get desperate, and 7% get sick to their stomach (Mobile Mindset, 2012). These emotional reactions lead one to believe that a person’s entire life is on that one device and so when that device has an unknown location it would give them that panicked reaction. By no means is it wrong to have these reactions, but it is a bit overwhelming to think that a lost phone could give more worry than losing a job or the passing of a relative/significant other. In turn, cell phones give people much to worry about and so knowing physiological triggers of use or disappearance is notable. Mainly, the million dollar question is what does cell phones do to intimate relationships and general conversation with the opposite gender. Research from the University of San Diego shows that there is an estimated 2.3 trillion minutes spent using wireless devices of the last year (Galvan, Golley Vessal, 2013, pg. 1). This source continue s on to say that â€Å"[people feel] personal connections towards cell phones† (Galvan, Golley Vessal, 2013, pg. 1). A question to be considered in this situation is how people even get into relationships anymore and that is driven by the amount of online dating site and technologicalShow MoreRelatedCell Phone Impact on Relationships706 Words   |  3 PagesDo cell phones have a negative impact on relationships? Recent advancements in communication technology have enabled billions of people to connect over great distances using mobile phones ( (Przybylski Weinstein, 2012). In fact, cell phones have become so essential in today’s society that more than 90% of the population owns one, making mobile phones the social norm. 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